v.i.b.e. stands for vibrational individualized body enhancement system... and literally... the v.i.b.e. technology is something that has been around for ages! it embraces modern day scientific research that has proven the amazing effects of sound and vibration on the human body. this technology has shown to have affects in helping with chronic illness, allergies, auto immune diseases, emotional imbalances, etc... and much, much more!!! (see below for more detailed information)
more detailed information on frequency, vibration and the v.i.b.e. specifically...
have you ever listened to music in your life? of course... we all have. think about the feelings that a certain song creates inside of you. some cry over the "message" of a particular song - sometimes one has intense emotional responses - even when they don't know the words yet... just because the "feeling" the song seems to project to one's inner self. maybe a song takes you back to a specific time or event that reminds you of a feeling associated with that song... the emotion may be sadness, joy, anger, a desire to relive an event, etc...
the v.i.b.e. takes this concept to a scientific level... the inventor of the v.i.b.e. - dR. sTEVEN sCHWARTZ - is a visionary technology designer, a sound alchemist and a regenerative medicine expert. he has specialized in the advanced treatment of chronic illness, allergies, autoimmune disease and emotional imbalances since 2000 using exclusively energy and vibrational healing techniques and technologies.
the v.i.b.e. consists of 3 components: the music, the headphones and the v.i.b.e. bed. first... the music literally is soothing and pleasing-to-listen-to... and is designed and recorded around specific frequencies. the various frequencies in the music are generated from a total of 7 albums with the first album called "energy clearing". all 7 music albums were created using specific, science-backed and researched frequencies that resonate with a person's physical body and / or brain to create specific results. a later album called "spectrum" for example was created specifically with brain specific frequencies that have been shown to help with add, adhd, autism, bipolar disorder, ptsd, and other emotional, nervous system and / or brain issues. another album called "cell cleanser" was designed to aid in cellular memory detoxification. "CELL CLEANSER" and its tracks have been shown to help with boosting the immune system and to help bring the body back to where it can heal itself - the way we were originally created in the first place. there are wound healing tracks on one of the various albums... substance recovery, inflammation , sports recovery, respiratory support, deep emotional cleansing, creativity, self discovery, etc are other issues that are dealt with on the various tracks and protocols. the science tested results of before and after using the v.i.b.e. are simply amazing!
second... the music is generated from a computer tablet and played through high quality headphones... and thirdly, at the same time, the music is played through the v.i.b.e. bed itself. this allows you to hear the music clearly in the headphones... and to be felt through the v.i.b.e bed. how? the v.i.b.e. bed has transducers built into it... which are simply devices to change the electrical sound energy of the music into mechanical energy... which makes the v.i.b.e. vibrate in precise harmony with the music... so... you hear and feel the music at the same time.
since the inventor created this with the understanding that 60 to 70 percent of a human's body is water, these frequencies are absorbed by the body and create various responses specific to each frequency generated... simply stated... this all aids in changing the mind and body's chemistry to bring one'S BODY, MIND AND CHEMISTRY back to a more natural, healing state of overall well-being - mentally, emotionally and physically!
combined Experience
With more than 25 years of experience in this field, you’ll get the answers... and potentially
the "help" you need.
an "air" of Professionalism
our caring staff has had extensive customer service training - and all are very "v.i.b.e. knowledgeable"... to help ensure that you get the best possible experience here with us!